We have a lot of friends who like to support our cause.
On This site You will find Crafters who make all kind of unique crafts.
Buy Local is a very important thing in our community. Some of the local businesses created one special item with our
Logo to raise Awareness for the Homeless Youth, The Awareness of Suicide and the other things we stand for.
If you decide to buy the item that's special designed for us, a part of the money will go to us.
But these Guys are amazing and have so much more to offer too.
PLEASE follow the Rules:
1. check out the items , if you find something interesting ,please follow the link attached to the Picture.
2. The link will send you to their Facebook page, Web page or Email address. ( If email link doesn't work over this site, please copy it and paste it to your own email program )
3. See what else they have to offer or ask for the keeping kids sign if you cant find it on their pages.
4. The seller will be in contact with you for your order or custom orders and it makes it easier for us to coordinate everything. If it goes through too many hands, information or orders can get lost.
This site will be growing over time and if you do handmade items , where our logo can be added, please feel free to contact us and we will promote you on our site.
Raise Awareness for Suicide.
Metal sign 17cm by 58cm
Dave's favourite Element is Metal.
We are very Proud of the Metal design he created for us.
It represents the heartbeat that stops at the semicolon, but because the person decided that suicide is not the solution to the Problem, the Heartbeat goes on.
The whole Design represents a Razor Blade, what is the most effective cause in the suicide Rate by the Youth. And cutting yourself is another big issue under teens that cant live with every days pressure, who have anxieties and other mental problems.
If you have any Family members that died by suicide, or even yourself , if you had to make the decision for life or death, this is a great reminder that life shouldn't stop half way. There are always Reasons to live for.
This sign is $30 and $10 of each sign goes towards Keeping Kids Warm.
To order this sign, Please contact Donna at charitygrandma@outlook.com
or send a text/call 5198605238
Wooden Sign burned image 19cm by 61cm
Riley does the same with Wood what Dave does with Metal. Please check out the explanation to this Symbol under The Metal Sign.
Signs are $20 and $10 of each sign are going to Keeping Kids Warm
Signs can be ordered at Rainer_janssen@web.de or send a text to 306 715 3929 ( I dont take call over day time or from unknown numbers, but feel free to leave a message and I will call you back, thanks)

Pink Mittens Key Fob/Snap Tap
Norah does really Amazing embroidered Key Fobs. What ever design You are looking for, she can make it.
For Keeping Kids Warm she made this wonderful Mitten ones.
The Mittens was our first Logo.
Keeping Kids Warm started with knitting Hats and Mittens for the Homeless Teens and Kids in need.
One stitch at a Time.
These Key fobs are $6 each or 2 for $10.
A portion of the sales is going to our Charity.
Please check out her Facebook page
www.facebook.com/knottynorahskreations for more products and if you like to order some key fobs :)